Poetry hao yen lim Poetry hao yen lim


Fire is a poem dedicated to the last day of in-person counselling. An ode to what is going, what is gone, and what is to come. I hope this speaks to you like it spoke to me suddenly on this final day.

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Body Image hao yen lim Body Image hao yen lim

Sex and Body Image

Where intimacy is involved, there you will find bodies. Now, I must assert that intimacy comes in two different fashions -physical and emotional. Today, we explore the primary confines of physical intimacy in relation to body image.

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Body Image hao yen lim Body Image hao yen lim

The Body Image Problem

What defines the line between looking good and feeling good looking? Confidence. This is the answer. We are ingrained with multimedia messages berating us to look a certain way, so much so that many articles have been written on the subject.

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Grief hao yen lim Grief hao yen lim

My fight with grief

When grief greeted me at the door, I did not invite It in. In fact, I did not ask for Its presence either, yet I was unsurprised by Its appearance. It introduced Itself to me, “Hello old friend”, followed by a gentle nod of Its head.

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Grief hao yen lim Grief hao yen lim

I grieved a living person

It is common to think that grief centers around losing a person or beloved animal to death. I had this mindset for the longest time, whereby we shed tears of a different pain when someone is lost to us forever…

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Anxiety hao yen lim Anxiety hao yen lim

Five things to help control Anxiety

We all have anxiety. A simple name for it is STRESS. It is a feeling of intimidation that agitates both the brain and body. It pushes us into our fight-flight-freeze mode, but perhaps more on that for another time…

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Anxiety hao yen lim Anxiety hao yen lim

I caught anxiety

I caught anxiety the other day, and it was distressing. Here I was, thinking about my upcoming trip back to Malaysia. "Finally", I thought to myself, "After 3 years, we can go back home."…

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