Our Services

Trauma Processing Therapy (Physical, Sexual, and Emotional)

Trauma processing therapy involves careful and caring guidance into the elements that created the trauma. We understand how important it is to feel safe and secure during trauma processing sessions, and we take great care to ensure you feel comfortable throughout the process.

The importance of safety is laid out in the beginning and highlighted when needed. Trauma processing investigates what happened, how it led to that and the other finer details.

The main goal is to create closure and desensitization toward the trauma. The therapeutic benefits gained from this can include improved self-esteem, better relationships with others, and reduced anxiety or depression.

Youth and Child Therapy

When engaging in youth and child therapy, it is crucial to prioritize the establishment of a strong bond between the therapist and the child. This connection serves as a foundation of trust, which is essential in facilitating the child's openness to change.

Building trust requires patience and dedication during sessions, as clients are encouraged to be honest and transparent. By doing so, they can effectively learn, apply, and contribute to the process.

In each case, the level of parental involvement may vary, and we will collaborate with caregivers to develop a plan that fosters interdependence and critical thinking in children.

Young Adult Stress Therapy

Our counselling services cater to young adults who may be grappling with new and unfamiliar responsibilities. Our compassionate therapists delve into the intricacies of life transitions and how they may impact their clients.

We pay close attention to the essential areas of work, family, and relationships where clients may be experiencing difficulties.

Our primary objective is to empower our clients to identify and acknowledge the issues at hand and gain clarity through thoughtful counselling sessions. We endeavour to uncover the underlying root causes of their stressors and assist them in making necessary adjustments for personal growth.

Intercultural Relationship Therapy

Establishing and maintaining intercultural relationships can pose a challenge. It requires a great deal of mindfulness and respect towards partners who come from diverse backgrounds, often possessing dissimilar values and norms.

In counselling sessions that specifically address intercultural relationship issues, the focus is on unravelling the complexities of culture and how family upbringing can shape one's values and perceptions differently.

Collaboratively working with the therapist, the objective is to build better communication, trust, security, and intimacy in the relationship, all of which are crucial aspects that require considerable attention and effort.

Therapy for Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are closely related. Stress can range from mild to severe and can have a significant impact. During counselling sessions, clients will explore their unique experiences with anxiety, including how it develops and what triggers it.

They will also learn practical and emotional tools to manage their symptoms and improve their emotional regulation. Our counsellors will help clients gain perspective on their stress and empower them to maintain changes made throughout the process.

Therapy for Self-Confidence Issues

Developing self-confidence is crucial for making sound decisions and regulating emotions effectively. By improving these skills, one can also boost their self-confidence in a continuous cycle.

Our knowledgeable counsellors help clients identify patterns in their behaviour and reactions to daily situations, particularly when there is tension. Clients will come to realize that anxiety can negatively impact their self-esteem.

During sessions, a safe and confidential space is created to support clients in managing their self-confidence more effectively. They will also learn to embrace vulnerability, which can be transformative.

Therapy for Body Image Issues

Body Image Issues stem from great insecurities that create constant comparisons to an ideal, manifesting into unmet expectations. Usually, issues with body image have associations with eating disorders, anxiety and even some obsessive-compulsive tendencies.

Treatments target the origins of this stress, the different ways it bleeds into other areas of life, and the strategies needed to resolve them all — done with careful detail and great empathy from the therapist.

As clients become more open to addressing parts of their body that cause them distress, desensitization techniques are also applied during sessions to help steer them away from being triggered by it anymore.

Observed Experiential Integration (OEI)

Observed Experiential Integration (OEI) is an existential therapeutic approach to treating a variety of concerns. These include trauma, anxiety, grief, focus, body image, pain management, addictions, and confidence.

Additionally, it has seen great effectiveness with the combination of other treatments like massage therapy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, and body positioning amongst others.

OEI aims to train the brain and body to resolve all unwanted symptoms involved in the aforementioned concerns. Contact us if you’d like to learn more about this type of therapy, and we’d love to answer any questions you have.

Therapy after a Motor Vehicle Accident — ICBC Claim

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, you may benefit from professional counselling services. These services are designed to assist you in managing pain, coping with trauma, improving your focus, enhancing your relationships, and reducing any anxiety or stress that may be related to your motor vehicle accident. It is important to note that ICBC covers the cost of these sessions (you must have an active ICBC claim open).

Please know that we are always here to support you and help you navigate this difficult time.

Crime Victims Assistance Program (CVAP)

If you have experienced a terrible crime in your personal life, you may be struggling with the aftermath of the trauma and injuries. The Crime Victims Assistance Program (CVAP) is here to help.

We offer counselling to help you process what happened and take the necessary steps to recover. The best part? Session fees are fully covered by CVAP. To participate, all you need is an active CVAP file.

Don't suffer in silence. Reach out to us today, and let us help you on your journey toward healing.